HUMPBACKS OF HAWAII opens a virtual door into a world beyond imagination, and marks a new era in the confluence of technology, marine observation, and modern science communication.

Finalist SXSW Interactive Innovation Awards 2019



Format: 3D Fulldome, 13 Minutes, 4×4 k, Dolby 7.1

In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found, these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits.

– Dr. John C. Lilly, Scientist and Visionary

OCEAN MIND is committed to creating award winning documentary films and immersive learning experiences that penetrate the viewer at an inner level of consciousness with educational, environmental, and philosophic content.


For more than 15 years OCEAN MIND originals have been commissioned and aired by world-leading networks such as Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and National Geographic International.

OCEAN MIND believes that in the near future we will see an unprecedented evolution in the fields of imaging and sound technologies that will lead to fundamentally new forms of communication and transfer of knowledge.


In order to ignite a new level of curiosity, passion and awareness for relevant topics such as science, conservation and society, OCEAN MIND is dedicated to pioneering multi-sensory experiences and interactive exploration worlds for modern embracing media and immersive learning environments such as virtual and augmented reality, themed architecture, and digital fulldome.

Ich möchte herausfinden, wie die kleinen so genannten submesoskaligen Wirbel als Uhrwerk der globalen Ozeanzirkulation funktionieren, und so den globalen Energiehaushalt der Meere und die Algenproduktion entscheidend mitbestimmen.

– Prof. Dr. Burkard Baschek, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht / Zentrum für Material und Küstenforschung


Aktuelle Meeresforschung als atemberaubendes Fulldome/VR-Erlebnis: UHRWERK OZEAN entführt den Zuschauer auf eine Reise von der Tiefsee bis ins Weltall. Er taucht an Fischen und Quallen vorbei, erlebt den Einsatz eines Forschungszeppelins und begleitet Wissenschaftler bei ihrer Jagd nach den Wirbeln.


Format: 4K, 9 minutes, Fulldome/VR, spacial surround sound

We are trying to imagine the unimaginable.

– Dr. Jim Darling, Scientist and Author


The Humpback Whale is one of the worlds best loved creatures, yet surprisingly little is known about their behavior, communication or biology. THE HUMPBACK CODE follows a team of researchers in the turquoise waters off Maui / Hawaii on a unique project to decipher the code of the Humpback Whale Song – the most complex acoustic display in the animal kingdom.


Format: Full HD, 45 minutes, 16:9, stereo

I can love you and I can kill you.

– Chris Gallucci, Elephant Man


Born out of uncontrolled circumstances of two individuals called Chris and Timbo, THE ELEPHANT MAN is a modern fairy tale with a realistic background. “When I am together with him”, says Chris, “I do not think like a human.” But how does an elephant think?


Format: Full HD, 45 minutes, 16:9, stereo

Whaling is no different commercial activity than raising chicken or having pig farm or anything like that … it’s just the same.

– Christian Loftsson, Whaler


Wale – Giganten der Meere, die geschützt werden müssen? Oder eine Handelsware wie jede andere auch? Unversöhnlich stehen sich Walfänger und Walschützer gegenüber. Objektiv beschreibt WHALES UNDER ATTACK die aktuelle Situation im Walfang-Geschäft, begleitet Aktivisten, Politiker und Vertreter einer international operierenden Walfanglobby.


Format: Full HD, 45 minutes, 16:9, stereo

I simply said to myself “Fuck that!”

– Darren Quinn, Artist


Geboren und aufgewachsen in Utah, strebt der begnadete Extrem-Skifahrer und Golfer Darren Quinn eine Karriere als Profisportler und (Lebens)Künstler an. Ein Autounfall stoppt 1984 den LebensTraum des 19jährigen – eine Woche vor Unterzeichnung des ersten Profi-Vertrages. Von einer Sekunde zur anderen ist Darren vom Hals abwärts gelähmt, und lernt mit Hilfe seiner Kunst, das Leben mit all seiner Brutalität und vermeintlichen Ungerechtigkeit zu akzeptieren.


Format: Full HD, 60 minutes, 16:9, stereo

If we can learn the rules of communication by understanding the languages of other species on earth, we’ll be much more prepared to deal with an extraterrestrial message if and when it comes.

– Dr. Laurance Doyle, astrophysicist at the SETI Institute


Presented by world-leading experts in the fields of neuro- and computersciences, astrophysics, math and biology, THE DOLPHIN CODE describes the fascinating possibilities of interspecies communication, and reveals the breathtaking transformation between the dolphins‘ fascinating “holographic” auditory world and our visual one. This offers an extraordinary and unprecedented opportunity to experience a whole new realm of incredibly complex and fascinating audiovisual symbology.


Format: UHD, 60 minutes, 16:9, stereo

Ocean Mind Foundation

The Ocean is the defining feature on our Blue Planet. All life, including our own, exists because of the Ocean. While the public generally has limited access, understanding the Ocean is essential to comprehending and protecting this planet on which we live.

By connecting people with the beauty and vulnerability of marine wildlife, the OCEAN MIND FOUNDATION intends to raise awareness, foster education, and inspire action to address pressing conservation issues in the global marine environment.


  • Best Environmental Conservation Film, Wildlife International Nature Film Festival, Vaasa
  • Best Use of Natural Sounds, International Wildlife Film Festival, Missoula
  • Green Cinema Audience Award, Maui Film Festival, Hawaii
  • Best Film Water, Green Screen Film Festival, Eckernförde
  • Official Selection, Environmental Film Festival, Washington DC
  • Best Film Water, Festival of Adventure and Adrenalin Films, Prague
  • Merit Award for Conservation Message, International Wildlife Film Festival, Missoula
  • Intermedia-Globe Gold, World Media Festival, Hamburg
  • Jury Recognition Award, Japan Wildlife Film Festival, Tokyo
  • Nominee Banff Rocky Award, Banff Mountain Film Festival, Banff
  • Honorable Mentioning for Ability to Reach New Audiences, International Wildlife Film Festival, Missoula
  • First German Wildlife Filmmaking Award, Nature Film Festival, Zingst
  • Prince Albert 2nd of Monaco Foundation Award, World Festival of Underwater Pictures, Antibes
  • Excellence in Underwater Cinematography and Behavior, Blue Ocean Film Festival, Savannah


Angaben gemäß §5 TMG:

Ocean Mind emotion pictures

Kanalstrasse 36, D-24159 Kiel
Tel. +(49)-(0)431-88946626


USt-IdNr.:  DE211081061

Fotos: Daniel Opitz, Ida von Saltzwedel, Flip Nicklin / Minden Pictures, Fargo


Webentwicklung: FARGO Design GmbH




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